With due respect I the student of Sr. Secondary Commerce want to bring into your kind notice that after appearing in the BOSER exam conducted in the session 2014-15. The result has been declared on 22 May 2015. My marks are shocking in Accountancy and Business Management. I have also applied for revaluation and got the scanned copies of answers copies of Accountancy and Business Management on 31-07-2015. When I reviewed the both subjects’ copies, there are so many lapses by the examiners. When I tried to submit the objections online as directed by your good office, there is no option for such lapses and negligence of the examiners.
So I want to bring into your kind notice the faults & lapses and negligence of the examiners as mentioned hereunder:-
1. Answers are half checked and not even marked in them.
2. Answers are checked but marks are not given accordingly.
3. Answers are accurate and correct but not marked properly.
Therefore your good self is requested to please look into the matter and arrange to accept my objections and release orders for thorough recheck of both the subjects i.e. Accountancy and Business Management and do justice with an innocent student. The scanned copies of both the subjects are attached herewith for your kind reference.
Aayushi Sen
Roll no. 1801881
Sr. Secondary Commerce exam 2014-15
D/o Sanjay Kumar Sen
5/26 Pratap Nagar
College Road