There are only two ways to live in life–One is as though nothing is miracle and the other is as though every thing is miracle.
Capsule/ Tips for POSITIVE ATTITUDE———
Optimism and attitude for gratitude.
Ready to learn new things in life.
Avoiding negative people and thoughts.
Live everyday as a miracle with good habits and self esteem.
Your thoughts transform in to your words. Your words transform in to your actions, Your actions transform in to your habit, Your habit transform in to your character. Hence think positive and have positive attitude, because that will be finally your character.
An ordinary man can achieve extra ordinary success simply by having clear cut aims, dedication and hope.
Sweetness of love is unique and it turns yourself towards GOD.
Do not regret any thing. Every thing happens because of a reason.
Smiling again and again in life will make you optimistic instead of pessimistic.
When you face a problem, turn your attention to a solution . Be the source of the solution rather than be victimized by it.
Increasing non-confidence is the root cause of all troubles
Accept the anxieties and difficulties of the life . Moderation is the secret of survival.—-
H== R/N.
where H==Happiness/contentment, R== Resources ( spiritual as well as physical ) at your command and
. Never do any thing in life for EGO—–Narayan Murthy.
Expansion is growth. Contraction is death.
The more responsibilities you take up, the more you will expand, grow, flower and radiate energy. Your worries and sorrows will dissolve and all unfinished work/target will get finish/complete.
.Elements which form POSITIVE Thinking———-
Have positive attitude, Self confidence, Spiritual awareness and mental elevation.
Have happy life, social relation and good health.Good health enhances the immune system.
Raise your Consciousness level as it enhances positivism. Try to remove the negative attitude and do not use sentences using negative approach, Lesser you think negative the more will be your positive attitude or approach.
Top 10 ways to raise your consciousness
1. Forgive your self and others.
2. Practice gratitude and appreciation
3. Live each day as though it were your last day .
4. Meditate or prey.
5. Suspend judgment and never be judge mental..
6. View every experience as a gift.
7. Be conscious and be aware of your thoughts.
8. Treat your physical body as your temple.
9. View the world throughout your life by the eyes of a child.
10. Give love to every one and that too from your heart.
Be positive at every moment, Say “ OM” with every breath. PRANA (Breath)is friend, brother, mother,father, teacher .
Keep your brain/ mind in God’s Upasana (BHAKATI), jaap, taap, ,good deeds ,kindness, and in sharing of other’s sorrow/ dukh.
Make your mind set for constructive thoughts and always welcome new ideas and thoughts .
Satisfaction can be attained in life by self retro inspection
Every morning wake up with a zeal and commitment that you will do more good work today.
It is better to under take small work in place of making plans for big work.
If you do not have big ambition then you can give excellent performance even in small work.
You can not differentiate between justice and injustice / PAAPand PUNAYA if you are fearful and selfish.
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
Optimists have more stable cardiac vascular system and more responsive immune system than pessimists.
You can not change nature, Change your attitude. It is the attitude which matters. It is the mind which makes a heaven of the hell and a hell of the heaven.
If you do not enjoy the work , you do not enjoy the life.
The pessimist see difficulties in every opportunity, The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
To get rid of GUILT , first understand that you must discontinue those actions that make you guilty.
Always smile and make others to smile , and be remain as a child in your life.
Every failure is a foundation stone of success in future. One should not be disappointed by his failure.
.Follow the golden rule i.e Forgive and forget, as it creates positive energy.It helps in bringing a climate of peace
No apology is too late to render or accept, without a sense of victory or loss.
Try to remove the negative attitude and do not use sentences using negative approach.
A negative attitude may develop illusions that can lead to sadness, while a positive attitude may change sadness to happiness.
compiled and edited by—J.K. Garg