Mind and Brain

डॉ. जुगल किशोर गर्ग
डॉ. जुगल किशोर गर्ग

Every time when you feel heavy in the heart or mind, just tell yourself that the life force that runs the world will take care of you also and move on, that’s enough. When you do this, you will see that all your depression and worries disappear and creativity blossom in you.
Experiences show that the SPIRIT is nothing but AWERENESS. Whoever has greater AWARENESS has greater SPIRIT.
The incapability of the mind and the intellects joint functioning is the base of human suffering, be it physical or mental. This is aptly demonstrated in all our bad choices.
The whole of life from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning
Brain is not where our minds are. Brain is an anatomical organ but mind is not an anatomical structure. Mind (mun in Hindi) is all our body; within each cell, within the cell structure, embedded in the intelligence of the DNA and other building that we are. There is as much mind in our little finger as in our head or our heart.
Mind is not fixed and permanent; not our cells as well. Our entire mind body system (MBS) undergoes renewal every so often. What we are now is not what we were a year ago, not what we will be a year after. Our mind body hardware is constantly renewed.
It seemed that we are programmed in our behavior pattern. We are programmed in our belief system and attitudes based on our past experiences and memories of these experiences.
It is these memories that drive us in all our actions. Unfortunately all these memories lie in our unconscious mind.
We are driven by our unconscious, not by our rational mind as we wish to imagine. We call this SOFTWARE of emotion filled memories that lie buried deep in our unconscious, sanskaras .
Sanskaras are the embedded memories of our past, sometimes of previous lives, that drives us into actions in the future.
Since sanskaras are from the unconscious, we are unable to do anything to stop them, to control them or modify them. Unless, a big unless, we learn to penetrate the unconscious.
We can indeed penetrate the unconscious and dissolve our sanskaras.
All we need to do is to bring ourselves into the present moment. In the present moment, no sanskaras exist, as these are products of the past.
In the present moment, we have neither regrets nor anticipation. We just are.
Meditation leads us into present moment. Meditation leads us in to awareness of our sanskaras and from there in to their dissolution. Meditation gives us control over our life, taking it away from the embedded software of our mind.
Our mind is a minefield; it is a madhouse; it is a monkey. The only thing certain about our mind is its absolute uncertainty. The only thing factual about our mind is that it is totally and absolutely illogical, irrational, random and unconnected. We should watch our thoughts as if you are OBSERVER, without getting involved, just being an actor in the drama. Watch your thoughts as you would watch clouds in the sky with no involvement. Your mind loses the interest, your thoughts will slow down and you will move towards a ‘no mind zone’ you need to say, stop; I want to get off. Meditation leads you in to the awareness to stay uninvolved with your thought process. It helps you stay in the present moment, without being tossed to and fro into the past and future. MEDITATIONS ALONE CAN STILL YOUR MIND.
Mind is where thoughts are produced. Thoughts and sanskars are interrelated. Thought is like a seed which creates a tree of sanskar and vice versa.
According to psychological study, every problem begins in the mind and it is also in the mind where problems can be solved. So it is like changing your intellectual gear. If you are able to do that, then you have found the super formula for de-stressing.
YOUR BRAIN IS YOUR POTENTIAL( A Scientific view Point )
1. Brain has unlimited potential to learn.
2. If all our brain cell were laid out end to end , our mind will be stretched at least 800000 KM.( 496000 miles)
3. Brain is not limited to skull only. Intelligence is actually distributed through out the cell of the body. As per new scientific theory BRAIN is holographic and is duplicated right down to a sub molecular level.
4. We have actually two centralized brain. We have more brain cell in our second brain then we do in the portion encased in our skull. Where is the second brain ? In our GUT.
5. Brain is the unique as finger prints.
6. Brain is capable of unlimited thoughts patterns:– Smallest number of the potential thoughts patterns an average patterns an average brain can create is the number 1- followed by 10.5 millionkilometerof type written zeros.
7. Intelligence has little to do with your IQ score:–We have also Emotional intelligence (EQ) and our all important higher intelligence (HQ) . Many researchers now identify as many as 25 Sub Intelligence.
8. We can learn to learn like Einstein.
9. Intelligence can be raised through appropriate training.
To sum it up:
Be in the now/present moment (P)
Be a detached observer to your thoughts (O)
Surrender to the life force/universe/the unman fest source completely(S)
Spiritual knowledge and meditation (gyana and dhyana which I call tayyari jeet ki) (T)
So remember the pneumonic POST and you are ready to win.

Dr Surbhi Garg and Dr. J. K. Garg.( Retd.Joint Director College Edu)

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