means of anti-national slogans by students

सत्य किशोर सक्सेना
सत्य किशोर सक्सेना
Expression of anti-national slogans by students within JNU in the words’अफ़ज़ल तुम हमारे अरमानों को मंज़िल तक पंहुचाओगे’means Afjal you are fighting for us by attacking Parliament .Further,’भारत की बर्बादी तक हमारी जंग जारी रहेगी’ means ‘we keep fighting a battle till we destroy India’Indisputably, mis-use of freedom of expression,anti-national expression,that too by students under-going education in Indian educational campus at cost of public exchequer under subsidies program of Government of India, thus committed the offences of’Sedition ‘under Section 124 -A as well as the offences of ‘waging or attempting to wage war or abetting waging of war against Government of India’ punishable with sentence of death or imprisonment for life under Section 121 IPC or conspiracy to to commit of offences punishable by Section 121 IPC punishable for imprisonment for life or ten years& fine under Section 121A of IPC.The right of speech and expression is but one right and not two separate rights.They are two aspects of one and the same right, one being complementary tithe other but subject to sovereignty and integrity of India.Such speech or expression is pre- judicial to public safety or imminent threat to the State. Such expression tantamount to an intention or tendency to create disorder or a disturbance of law and order or incitement to violence.Thus to sum up, I am of the firm opinion that such elements deserve to curbed in the bud rather be allowed to flourish at cost of the Nation,the incident must taken a thereat to the sovereignty & integrity of the country as such all political parties alongwith civil society should with firm determination demand legal action as per law of land & severe condemnation of such anti-national elements unanimously,and pending action all involved in this episode must immediately be suspended & be ousted from the campus without any further loss of time.

Satya Kishore Saksena,Advocate

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