First Vaishya Samrat Agresen —–Pioneer of SOCIALISM and NON-VIOLENCE Part 1

डा. जे.के.गर्ग
Raja Agresen was first king who had established and developed social Welfare state as early as more than 5200 years ago on the sound footings of Economic, Cultural, Political and Social development Maharaja Agresen introduced concept of Socialism, Non Violence (Ahinsa).He was born on Ashivin Shukla one (as per Hindu mythology) at the end of Duaper Yug . His Father Suryavanshee Vallabh Sen was king of Pratapnagar. It is also believed that Agresen belong to 34th generation of Bhagwan Rama’s elder son Khush. Young Agresen at the age of 15 fought in famous war of Mahabharat from the side of Pndvas, Bhagwan Krisna was highly impressed by Agresn’s bravery, wisdom and dedication and predicted that Yong Agresen will be remembered as YUG PURUSH in posterity.

Prince Agresen married the beautiful princess Madhavi daughter of NAGRAJ (God of Snakes). In the SWAYAMBAR of Madhivee several princesses, Kings and devtas including INDRADEV participated. Madhvee was highly impressed by Agresen’s bravery and valour and choose Agresen as her husband ignoring King INDRA. This made Indra Jealous and he brought miseries and torture to the citizens of Agresen’s kingdom by stopping rains resulting in Draught and Famine. Therefore Agresen fought a war against Indra for the security and well being of his Citizens. Agresen won the war because he was on the path of truth and Dharma,.Defeated Indra sought the services of Naradmunee to act as mediator between him and Agresen to restore peace between them.

Compiled by Dr J.K.Garg, Visit our blog—

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