Bima claim photo (2) Bima claim photo (1) Bima claim photo(0)Jaipur: A new social security scheme launched by a charitable
institution for the beneficiaries of its employment generation and
rural livelihood programmes in Bharatpur district has benefited poor
families who lost their earning members. The villagers rendered
disabled in accidents have also received financial assistance.
As many as 43,790 persons taking part in various livelihood
programmes of Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation have been
insured through various public and private sector companies. Lupin
HW&R Foundation, working in Bharatpur district for the last 20 years,
has paid premium for each of them.
The need for coverage of rural families under the insurance schemes
was felt during the implementation of rural development and
self-employment programmes. The Lupin HW&R Foundation’s Executive
Director, Mr. Sita Ram Gupta, said here today that families often face
crisis if their earning members die in accident, natural calamity or
in the hazardous occupations.
It was noticed that self-sufficiency acquired through livelihood
generation in remote villages vanishes if the earning member passes
away or is permanently disabled. Indemnity against this loss enables
the rural families to cope with unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Gupta
The Lupin HW&R Foundation has obtained insurance cover under Janata
Durghatna Beema Yojana for 28,435 persons, Raj Rajeshwari Yojana for
5,400, Birla Sunlife for 4,416, Jan Shri Beema Yojana for 840, ICICI
scheme for 3,800, personal accident scheme for 816 and Nagarik
Suraksha Yojana for 83 persons during the last year.
The family members of 50 persons who lost their lives for various
reasons were paid over Rs. 13 lakhs, while eight insured persons
rendered disabled were paid Rs. 3 lakhs. The latest beneficiary was
the family of Parsadi Lal of Palki village in Nagar tehsil, who died
in a road accident in the last week of January. Mr. Gupta said the
family members were paid the insurance amount of Rs.50,000 without
As part of the Jan Shri Beema Yojana, the sons and daughters of
insured persons were given scholarships worth Rs. 1.28 lakhs.
Mr. Gupta pointed out that the Small Industries Development Bank of
India (SIDBI), which has sanctioned loans to villagers in Bharatpur
district for self-employment ventures supported by Lupin HW&R
Foundation, has agreed to extend the period of repayment in case of
untimely death of loan beneficiaries.
The institution, which has drawn praise from different quarters for
the initiative, selects the villagers engaged in agricultural labour,
small industries and hazardous occupations for the personal accident
insurance cover. Members of women’s self-help groups get the benefit
under the Jan Shri Beema Yojana.
Mr. Gupta said the Lupin HW&R Foundation extends immediate help to
the dependent family on receiving information about a person’s death.
Its representatives carry out the paper work and complete the
formalities on behalf of the family to get the insurance money within
a month.

For further information, please contact:

-Kalyan Singh Kothari
Media Consultant
Mobile: 9414047744

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