Bharat Ratna –Icon of depressed—Dr Ambedkar Part 3

The Thoughts and Legacy of Baba Sahib Ambedkar

Dr Ambedakr’s view on Muslim, Christian missionaries

डा. जे.के.गर्ग
डा. जे.के.गर्ग
“Supposing a Hindu wished to do what the Christian missionaries is doing for these aborigines( tribals), could he have done it?. I submit not. Civilizing the aborigines means adopting them as your own, living in their midst, nd cultivating fellow- feeling, in short loving them. How is it possible for a Hindu to do this? His whole life is one anxious effort to preserve his cst. The Hindus criticize the Mohammedans for having spred the religion by the use of the sword. They also ridicule Christianity on the score of the inquisition. But really speaking who is the better and more worthy of our respect- the Mohammedans and Christins who attempted to trust down the throats of unwilling persons that they regarded s necessary for their salvation or Hindu who would not spred the light, who would endeavour to keep others in darkness… I have no hesitation in saying that if the Mohammedans has been cruel, the Hindus hs been men, and meanness is worse than cruelty.

Babashaib’s view on eating beef

“That the Aryns of the Rig Veda did kill cows for purpose of food and ate beef is abundantly clear from the Rig Veda itself.In Rig Veda (X.86.14) Indra says: “ They cook for one 15 plus twenty oxen.

(on beef is from “The Untouchables;”—Written by Dr Ambedakar, all other quotes fro Dr Ambedakar’s book “Annihilation of Casts”) Compiled by Dr J.K. Garg

Reference—- Asutosh Bhardwaj—The Indian Express dated 18 April 2016.

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