
Prayer is a Growing Relationship

डा. जे.के.गर्ग
“Prayer is nothing more than an ongoing and growing love relationship with God: the Father the Son and Holy Spirit. Just as we grow, close to the people with whom we spend \quality time; we grow closer to God, by spending time in his Majestic presence—praising, thanking, seeking wisdom, making petitions, meditating on his words and listening to his commands.

Prayer is not meant to be a magic remedy for fulfilling wants, needs and desires. The pinpoint purpose of prayer is developing a relationship with the Almighty. Therefore, Prayer “works” in the manner, as if it builds, enhances, solidifies and deepens the relationship between the one who prays and the one to whom prayers are directed.

Prayer can be an ongoing conversation with God, but does it make any difference?

Usually when you talk to someone, you can hear his or her response to you. But prayer is different. Prayer looks like you’re basically just talking to yourself.

How do you talk with someone who doesn’t necessarily talk back—audibly, at least? And if you believe that God not only listens to prayers but answers them too, how do you distinguish your own thoughts and feelings from God’s answers? To this Saints and Sermons have from times immemorial sought answers but not found the Ultimate Truth.

Prayer is building Trust

Prayer is a going process. It takes time, commitment, and discipline. Prayer is not meant to happen only in times of desperation. It is meant to be an ongoing conversation with the creator.

Praying people have experienced miracles which are the answers to their continuous prayers.

Imagine a miracle that would take place—like the healing of some sick near and dear one, the rapprochement of a broken relationship, or the redeeming of a seemingly hopeless situation. All these are the answers to our prayers. Miracles become Happening events!

Visiting a TEMPLE, MOSQUE, CHURCH, GURUDWARA are also good but true respect for GOD stems from the heart which conveys our Soulful thoughts and beliefs to the Creator.

To sum up——-

When we wake up in morning, we should pray “O- God I have got new life after the sound Sleep”. I vow to submit my all day’s deeds at your feet. None should be hurt by me nor should I be hurt by anyone. Show me correct path and guide me.

Likewise, before going to bed, at night, pray to God—-

“All my day’s good deeds were completed due to Your Benevolence.

Please give us Your Blessing and Shelter from all evils.

Let there be Unison between Thou and Me. (तू मुझमें बसे में तुझ में समा जाऊ)

Compiled by Dr J.K.Garg

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