First Vaishya Samrat Agresen —–Pioneer of SOCIALISM and NON-VIOLENCE Part 3

डा. जे.के.गर्ग
Pioner of Sociaism—Architact of Self-Reliance ——– It is held that about one lakh people lived in AGREYEN ( The Agresen”s Kingdom). Maharaja Agresen believed that every citizen of his state should be self dependent and be an enterpenaour. Therefore he made it customary and compulsory that every new entrant to the city be given one Brick and One rupee to start his own trade and also build his own house. This was a true spirit of Socialism and self-reliance. Agresen introduced concept of Socialism as early as 5200 years ago.

Estiblishment of Democracy and welfare state—-

Agresen lived a simple life with high morals. He believe that one should divide his earing in four parts viz one part should be spent for family’s day today”s work, one part for his business development, another part should be used developing public utalities and wellfre and fourth part should be saved for future and state development works. He developed concept of social cooperation. He built several Dharmshalas, hosipital, liberary, school etc. Thus the concept of social wellbeing and communal health, Education and allround progress and goodwill should be provided by both the ruller and the ruled. It was also the forerunner of Democracy and in a way self determination and also self GOVERNANCE.

Compiled by Dr J.K.Garg, Visit our blog—

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