How to Make old age-buddapa comfortable, purposeful and useful

old ageOld age is more linked to your mental status rather then your body’s condition.
80% of the problems are automatically solved simply by accepting the nature and it’s gift provided in this age to us.
Remember your soul,  Manna/ Aatama / never become old or Buddaha, Hence  never think and behave as you are old or buddaha.
Never interfere (beyond a limit) between yours son/ daughter/ daughter-in law/ son-in law.
If you provide your blessing to them, then they will obey your every commend and will give you respect.
Take only balance diet,limited and proper diet.
Go for morning walk every day.
Do Pranayam, Exercise/ Mediation daily  and religiously.
What ever is happening, Let it happen.
Do not think ( Chintan ) of past.
observe fast once in 15 days.
Do clapping every day,Keep disease and infection away from you.
Make habit of doing your work  by your self.
Do Laugh and make others to laugh, Make laughter as your habit.
Do prey to God in every morning
Devote some time for your soul ( Do Attama-chintan ) in the after noon, and do Satsang in the evening.
Make your old age love able,,memorable
Keep  your courage intact, and be strong mentally.
Share happiness and be happy under every situation.
Never be passive or Dukhi nor make others passive or Dukhi. never share your sorrow or Dukh
Live for the welfare  of your near and dear one, others and for the needy person
do not live under the shadow of FEAR
Make your self confidence strong
Remain positive
Maintain strong social relation.
Do Good, See Good, Listen Good and think good
Do not see bad, Do not listen bad, Do not do bad , and do not think bad
Be loyal to your self
Share your rich experiences with others as and when needed
Remember that  real joy  of life is to live for the good of others, as, RIVER never drink it’s own water,Tree never eat it’s own fruit,Sun never use it’s own light,Flower  never enjoy it’s own fragrance.
Follow the rule forgive and forget
Accept your kids/spouse /friend/ near and dear one as they are.
never be judge -mental.
Remain cool and peaceful under every conditions.
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